Back to School?
October 11, 2016
Hands On – Yamaha RIVAGE PM10
October 11, 2016Time has a way of running by us all, and things we want to do (but put off) just never happen. It is past time for those of us in NE Florida and SE Georgia who love and live the “technical arts” to get together. Regularly.
I have been wanting to organize a local meeting for some time. I have discussed it with others. I have never done anything about it. Until right now.
So I am calling on area techs, worship leaders, and creatives…professionals, volunteers, hobbyists, and wannabes! Whether you are a novice or a veteran, we can all learn from each other and enjoy the camaraderie that comes from getting together once in a while for fellowship and maybe even some training! We all use, and learn from blogs, forums, tutorial videos and training sessions at conferences and conventions. We all gain knowledge in “real time” from our own stupid mistakes. But NOTHING can top the direct one on one experience that comes from getting to know others doing the same things as you. Sharing similar experiences and life lessons, swapping “war stories”, talking about who is using what equipment – and how… This is real life interaction, and nothing is better.
What I have in mind is for us to form a loose-knit group with regular meetings. Maybe with food…shouldn’t there always be food?!? There will be time for chatting and getting to know each other. Maybe we will bring in a dealer or manufacturer’s rep to showcase some new gear. Shouldn’t there always be gear to play with?!? And there will definitely be training. I can take the responsibility to arrange guests to address our group.
Topics? What will we focus on at these meetings? You tell me! As far as I am concerned, the sky is the limit. From audio “stuff”, to presentation software, to LED lighting, to video mixers and cameras, to dealing with the “politics” of doing tech… And I am not willing to limit this to just techs either. Maybe you are a worship leader, Minister, Pastor, musician or a curious bystander. I say, the more the merrier – and the better we can ALL learn to understand the needs of everyone involved.
How does a quarterly meeting sound? Or every other month? We will, of course, avoid the major hectic times like Easter and Christmas. But – wouldn’t it be great to meet right after and just cool our jets for an evening? I would like that. A lot.
If this sounds great to you, contact me. Soon. Don’t let time run away from you on this. Email me, call or text: [email protected] or (904)616-8201. Keep an eye on my (underused, but active) Facebook page or Twitter account – or check back here for updates. I will also start assembling an email list of all those who respond so I can stay in touch directly.
I welcome your thoughts and opinions on this – including a name for our little group. I just don’t think “NE FL and SE GA Technical Group” is very catchy at all…
OK, the ball is in your court – let me hear from you!